
‘Vote & Vax’: Health Department plans flu and COVID-19 vaccine clinics

September 30, 2024
1 min read

The town’s Health Department will offer a series of “Vote & Vax” flu and COVID-19 vaccination clinics, many of which will coincide with early voting hours in October at the Town Building. The clinics will offer standard doses and a high doses (for people ages 65 and older) vaccinations against the seasonal flu (from Sanofi), and vaccinations to protect against COVID-19 infection (from Pfizer and Moderna, Novavax availability is to be determined). The schedule of vaccination clinics is:

  • Wednesday, Oct. 9, 10 am-12 noon, focus on older adults, although all are welcome. Large hearing room at the Town Building.
  • Monday, Oct. 21, 4-7 pm. Large hearing room at the Town Building. Open to the general public, ages 12 and older. In-person early voting until 5 pm.
  • Friday, Oct. 25, 9 am-12 noon. Large hearing room at the Town Building. Open to the general public, ages 12 and older. In-person early voting 9 am-12 noon.
  • Monday, Oct. 28, 4-7 pm. Large hearing room at the Town Building. Open to the general public, ages 12 and older. In-person early voting until 6:30 pm.

The Health Department also offers vaccinations for home-bound residents. Call 508-358-6805 and leave a message if you need this service. To check your vaccination status, visit

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